Finding Your Voice as a Woman Physician Leader
Mar 16, 2023
Hi Physician Leaders,
I'm Dr. Lisa Herbert, Board Certified Family Physician, Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Executive Leadership Coach. I help physicians transition into leadership roles so they can be the respected voice in healthcare.
In my podcast, I challenge women physicians to consider their seats at the table, and in the words of Shirley Chisholm, "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair." Fifty years ago, Shirley Chisholm became the first African American woman elected to Congress. In 1972, she became the first African American candidate for the presidential nominee of a major party, and the first woman to seek the Democratic nomination. Even though she didn’t win the Democratic nomination for president, Over the course of her 14 years in Congress, Chisholm was able to be a force for change and a champion of legislation that would improve the quality of life for women, children, people of color, and the poor.
This podcast was inspired by the Edward Kennedy Institute A Seat at the Table Project.
I ask you to reflect on the following thoughts as outlined in the project and journal the answers on your worksheet.
Here are 5 thoughts to consider when thinking about your seat at the table.
- Consider the tables that you are a part of or wish to be a part of.
- What people make up the tables in these spaces, and who sits at the head of the table?
- Think about your own identity. What’s your story? What experiences have you had? What do you stand for? What are your values? What changes do you want to see in healthcare?
- Can that folding chair eventually turn into something more permanent?
- I also challenge you to consider the current state and future state.
You can download the worksheet here and listen to the full podcast here
Thank you for reading this blog post! As always… I'm Dr. Lisa Herbert, Board Certified Family Physician, Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Executive Leadership Coach. Through my coaching programs, courses, and books, I help physicians transition into leadership roles so they can be the respected voice in healthcare.
If you are ready to become the respected voice in healthcare and transition into a career where you can make a difference, schedule your complimentary discovery call here to see how we can work together.
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